Security Door Installation Tips

Homes provide security and are only as secure as the doors that allow entrance. If you are looking to increase the safety of your home, you might be interested in installing a security door, or security screen door as it is commonly referred to today. Security doors will also provide added protection for inclement weather and stop bugs from entering your house. The security doors will allow you to open your exterior door to let air in, while still maintaining a safe and secure home. Security doors are available in few different materials, so don’t just assume that steel is your only option here. You can choose from lightweight aluminum or more solid options like American steel and iron wrought.

security doorsYou might be wondering how to install a security door. After all, the cost of one of these entries is not that expensive. It is tempting to go ahead and just try and install it yourself. If however, you aren’t correctly equipped to handle the install, it is recommended that you seek the assistance of a professional handyman. A professional will be able to get your door hung quickly, and it will look amazing.

If you are eager to get your door up and want to do it yourself, here are a few helpful tips for your security door installation.


When it comes to door installation, it is important to measure. Then measure again. You’ll need the height, width, and inner dimensions of the doorway. Once you have the measurements, write them down. It will ultimately help you decide what size door you are going to need to purchase. Accurate measurements ensure that you avoid buying a door that doesn’t fit properly, which can save you time and money. Additionally, consider the thickness of your walls and the type of frame you have, as these can affect the installation process.

Double Check You Have The Equipment Needed

security door installation equipment materials

There aren’t that many tools that you will need for the installation, however, missing a much-needed tool will make the installation much more difficult. Before you begin, make sure you have the necessary tools for the job. It might include screwdrivers, a drill, and a level. Having all tools on hand will prevent interruptions during the installation process. In addition to the basic tools, you might also need a tape measure, a rubber mallet, and safety equipment like gloves and goggles.

Make Sure All Hardware Is Present

Before you begin, it is a good idea to make sure all the hardware has accompanied the door you purchased. Many security doors will come with instructions and all the necessary components to hang it. There is nothing worse than being halfway done and realizing you are missing a bracket or screw. Checking the hardware beforehand will save you a lot of frustration. Lay out all the pieces and match them against the installation guide to ensure you have everything you need. If any parts are missing, contact the supplier immediately to avoid delays.

Take Your Time

You might be in a hurry to get your security door up, but don’t rush the install. Often rushing can lead to mistakes, which may lead to frustrations. If you find that the install isn’t going the way you had hoped, don’t worry. Take your time. If it still isn’t coming together, a professional handyman will be able to help. Taking your time ensures that each step is completed correctly, which contributes to the overall security and functionality of the door. Double-check each part of the installation process, such as aligning the door properly and securing all screws tightly.

Benefits of Installing a Security Door

Enhanced Security

Security doors are designed to be more robust and secure than regular doors. They are built to withstand forced entry attempts and provide an added layer of protection for your home. This can give you peace of mind, knowing that your home is better protected against intruders.

Weather Protection

A good security door also acts as a barrier against harsh weather conditions. It can protect your main door from rain, wind, and sun damage, thereby extending its lifespan. This is particularly beneficial in areas prone to severe weather.

Increased Ventilation

Security screen doors allow you to keep your main door open for ventilation while still keeping your home secure. This is perfect for letting fresh air in without compromising on safety. The mesh design of many security doors also keeps out insects, adding to the comfort of your home.

Curb Appeal

A well-chosen security door can enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home. With various designs and finishes available, you can select a door that complements your home’s exterior while providing the security benefits you need.

Ensuring Home Safety with a Properly Installed Security Door

A security door is a great way to keep you and your loved ones secure. It can protect your exterior doors from bad weather, and also keep pests and other animals out of your home. Installing one can be a challenge, but with the help of a professional, it can go smoothly. A properly installed security door not only enhances the security of your home but also adds to its value and appeal. By following these tips, you can ensure that your security door is installed correctly and provides the maximum benefits for your home.

Have a security door installed in your home. Get your estimates here or call 916-472-0507 for more info.

Sacramento Handyman
2386 Fair Oaks Blvd, Sacramento CA 95824
(916) 472-0507

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