How Long Does A Bathroom Renovation Take

A bathroom remodel can take anywhere from three to eight weeks, sometimes longer depending on the size of the bathroom and the scope of the remodeling project. Each individual step takes a different amount of time, and it’s important to remember that unexpected issues can arise, potentially extending the timeline.



The first step in a bathroom remodel is demolition, which involves removing all the old fixtures, fittings, and materials that are being replaced. This process can take anywhere from two to five days, depending on the extent of what needs to be done and the size of the room. If your bathroom has a lot of built-in features or you’re making significant changes to the layout, demolition can take longer.

Flooring Installation

Once demolition is complete, the next step is to install the new flooring. This can take anywhere from two to seven days. The timeline depends on the type of flooring you choose and the complexity of the installation. For example, laying tile can be more time-consuming than installing vinyl or laminate flooring.

Plumbing Work

Plumbing work

Incorporating new plumbing can take four to twelve days. This step involves installing new pipes, fixtures, and fittings, and ensuring everything is properly connected and functional. Plumbing work can be particularly time-consuming if you’re relocating fixtures like the toilet, sink, or shower. If you’re replacing the sink, consider looking up tips for replacing a sink to ensure the process goes smoothly. Proper installation is crucial to avoid leaks and ensure long-term functionality.

Electrical Work

Redoing the wiring in your bathroom can take one to three days. This step is crucial for ensuring that all electrical components, such as lighting, exhaust fans, and outlets, are safely installed and up to code. Any changes to the electrical layout will require careful planning and execution.

Insulation and Drywall

Insulating the walls and ceiling, followed by hanging drywall, can take five to ten days. Hanging drywall might seem like a quick process, but it actually involves multiple steps. The drywall needs to be hung, taped, and mudded, which can take one to three days. After that, it needs time to dry and be sanded smooth, adding another two to four days to the timeline.

Tile Work

Any tile work, whether on the floor or walls, can take from three to six days to complete. If you’re doing intricate designs or custom work, this step can take up to eight days. Properly installing and grouting tiles is a meticulous process that requires precision and patience.

Fixtures and Appliances

Installing fixtures and appliances, such as the toilet, sink, shower, bathtub, and cabinetry, can take five to ten days. This step also includes connecting all the plumbing and electrical components to ensure everything is functioning correctly.

Final Touches and Decorations

Adding the final touches and decorations is the last step in the renovation process. This includes painting, installing mirrors and towel racks, and any other decorative elements you’ve chosen. Decorating can take anywhere from a few days to a week, depending on how quickly you can decide on the finishing touches and get them in place.

Potential Delays

Several factors can cause delays in a bathroom renovation project:

  • Supply Chain Issues: Delays in receiving materials or fixtures can extend the timeline.
  • Unexpected Problems: Discovering mold, water damage, or structural issues during demolition can add time to the project.
  • Permitting and Inspections: Obtaining necessary permits and scheduling inspections can also cause delays.

Average Timeline

The total length of time for a bathroom renovation is dependent on the size of the bathroom, the complexity of the design, and who is doing the work. On average, a bathroom renovation takes between three to eight weeks. However, larger or more complex projects can take longer.

Efficient Bathroom Renovation

It’s important to remember a few other things that will take time as well.  Decorating includes having to go and buy the things you wish to incorporate and placing them how you want them.  This solely depends on how long it takes you personally to find what you want and place it where you feel it should be.  Any accidents or problems that arise can also make the process take longer.  The total length of time on how long a bathroom renovation can take is solely dependent on the size, the design, and who is doing the job.  The average time, however, is between three to eight weeks.

A bathroom renovation is a significant project that requires careful planning and execution. Understanding the timeline for each step can help you set realistic expectations and ensure the project runs smoothly. Hiring professionals, like Sacramento Handyman, can save you time and reduce the stress associated with managing a renovation.

Spare yourself the time on your bathroom renovation plans by calling the professionals — Sacramento Handyman. Call 916-472-0507 for further inquiries or send us an estimate request by filling out this form here.

Sacramento Handyman
2386 Fair Oaks Blvd, Sacramento CA 95824
(916) 472-0507

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